Zero Energy Isolation: A Critical Safety Practice

Many sites are adopting Zero Energy Isolation policies to ensure that isolated systems pose no risk from stored energy being released. While electrical systems often receive attention with indicators and monitoring equipment, pneumatic circuits are frequently overlooked in achieving zero-energy status.

The Common Issue: Trapped Pressure

Consider a typical installation with ball valves placed on both sides of a device to isolate it from the air system.

Although isolating both the upstream and downstream ends effectively isolates the device, it also traps pressure within the system. This trapped energy creates a hazardous situation, as opening the pipework could result in a dangerous release of pressure.

This setup does not meet zero-energy isolation standards.

The Solution: Block and Bleed Valves

To achieve true zero-energy isolation, replace the isolation valve before the system with a 3-ported block and bleed valve.

During normal operation, this setup functions as usual, but when isolation is needed, the valve safely vents the trapped air, ensuring no residual pressure remains.

Implementing this simple change ensures a safer, zero-energy isolation process for pneumatic circuits, protecting both personnel and equipment.

SMC VHS Series Block & Bleed Valves

Triple i offers the SMC VHS Series Block & Bleed Valves in various port sizes, ideal for standard installations and Bluescope Steel sites. These valves provide zero-energy isolation with a lockable design, ensuring safety and compliance. A special version is available to meet Bluescope Steel (BSL) site requirements.

VR3110-01 Pneumatic Indicator

The VR3110-01 Pneumatic Indicator is a simple, cost-effective tool for visually confirming zero energy in your pneumatic circuits. This device “pops” up when pressure is present and drops down when the pressure is fully exhausted. Easily installed downstream of a VHS isolation valve or at a tapping point, it offers a reliable method for confirming system isolation.

AVL Series Isolation Valve & Soft Starter

The AVL Series combines a lockable isolation valve with a soft starter, making it the ideal main isolation valve and emergency stop for pneumatic systems. This system allows quick and easy isolation of your process, and when reactivated, it gradually increases pressure, preventing potential damage from pressure shocks to downstream instruments.